Workshop ‘Outreach Initiatives in Film and Media Research’
Lies Van de Vijver (Ghent University), Daniela Treveri Gennari (Oxford Brookes University) and Pierluigi Ercole (De Montfort University)
This workshop brings together scholars working in research projects in film and media studies that involve outreach initiatives. From interviews with filmmakers, producers or stars, to exhibitions on film archives, and the programming of film seasons, what type of activities can be labeled as outreach, and how have these contributed to (or hindered) the research process? Our case studies include examples from Portugal, Spain, Belgium and the UK, on issues such as gender and authorship, audience research, and migrant and accented filmmaking. The workshop challenges the value of outreach in today’s academic context, while exploring the current status of the discipline. As such, it puts forward ideas about the contemporary relevance and applicability of film and media research.
Workshop Topics and Participants: “The Portuguese Women Directors Film Programme” Mariana Liz (ICS-ULisboa)
“The European Cinema Audiences Project” Lies Van de Vijver (Ghent University), Daniela Treveri Gennari (Oxford Brookes University) and Pierluigi Ercole (De Montfort University)
“Working with ‘queer directors’: on the scope and dimensions of participatory research” Vlad Strukov (University of Leeds)
“Researching mobility and migration in cinemas across the Hispanic Atlantic: challenges and limitations of social outreach” Miguel Fernández Labayen (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)