Building Engineer-Architect, graduate cum laude in Architectural Composition and History of Architecture at Politecnico of Bari, with a thesis about valorization strategies for the open-air cinemas led in continuity with the research project Movie-HouseTerritories. Over the last years she has been committed in the field of urban regeneration, especially in matter of urban condition – she took part to the i2a- international institute of architecture program Infrarealities – and architectural reuse – she’s the cofounder of research-applied project Pop Hub sponsored by MIUR. Since 2014 she is developing the pilot project expostModerno, focused on the architectural restoration and cultural reactivation of an outdoor cinema in Bari – the Arena Moderno – making converge the historical analysis of the movie-houses role in popular neighborhoods in the construction process of a community-led cinema as urban cultural courtyard, highlighting his ancient popular key meant as accessibility, interaction and shared value.